Parks Youth Ranch Friends Recruitment

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From a mere whisper over a decade ago that “kids need help” to a full emergency shelter today – Parks Youth Ranch continues to be a Home for Today, and Hope for Tomorrow. It is my great privilege to welcome the PYR Friends to our team to continue to provide shelter, counseling, and life-changing services to these youth who have been impacted by trauma. Thank you for answering the call for a caring adult and saying YES!

2020 gave us a year of challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Our kids are resilient, restless, and encouraged – though weary of not being able to be with friends, or see family in person.  We had wonderful successes for the year:

EDUCATION – Our kids ended the 2020 school year and began the 2020-2021 school year online! Through the generous support of the George Foundation, we were able to increase the number of computers in our student area to accommodate and support each youth in their education journey.

COUNSELING – Through the joy and wonder of Zoom and Skype, we saw increased participation in visits and counseling.  We moved to a specialized approach and were able to match our kids with counselors who cater to each specific trauma.

FAMILY CONNECTION is so important for each of our youth to begin the healing process. FaceTime and Zoom enabled our youth to reach out and participate in longer, more engaging visits with siblings, rather than be hampered by transportation.


Amazon is our bestie!  Our Friends and Families looked for ways to give back and support! The kids and staff love seeing the Amazon truck pull up with a new snack, basketball, or other prizes!  Click Here to Shop at Amazon Smile

UPCOMING EVENTS - We are excited for 2021. Parks Youth Ranch is thrilled to reopen the Ranch to our volunteers and community starting with GO Fish! on June 12 from 11 am – 2 pm.  This is a fantastic opportunity for you to see the Ranch, spend time with family having some good, old-fashioned fun! Plus, save the date for Cowboy Up (in person) on Saturday, October 2, 2021, at Safari Texas. We look forward to the time we get to see all of you in person!

We know there are still challenges to come.  As a member of PYR Friends, you are helping to enhance our work and provide the love and support of a caring community for each of these youth who have experienced abuse and neglect. 

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Summer 2021


Audience Engagement Group's Parks Youth Ranch - Mission Video Named Best Social Impact and General Not For Profit Silver Awards In The Non-Broadcast Area In The 42nd Annual Telly Awards