Transitional Living Program
Parks Youth Ranch has expanded our program to include a Transitional Living Program (TLP). The TLP will allow PYR to support youth and young adults (ages 15-20) as they face the transition to adulthood. The goal of the TLP is to support youth by meeting their educational, vocational and individual goals. All residents in the TLP must be enrolled in high school or pursuing post-secondary education and resident’s of Fort Bend County. Applicant’s are required to submit an application, and to complete this application to the best of their ability. Intake staff will respond to emails when received, and will review based on admission criteria, feasibility, and availability. The Intake Team will review and schedule interview’s for the program to ensure appropriateness of referral.
Program Guidelines
Shelter and basic necessities like food and clothing
Medical and dental care
Education assistance
Job training and career planning services (with our partner Workforce Solutions)
Life skills training
Recreational opportunities
Case management